The largest congress on Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Coaching, Hypnosis, Constellation and Mindfulness in the world, will be promoted by the main associations of the genre, IN, ICI, WHO, WSCO and In-Me, to effectively contribute to increase ethics and excellence in these areas , opening space for discussions and academic studies, aimed at research of scientific initiation of invited or registered institutions.
With the objective of sharing knowledge and results of studies that are being developed around the world, promoting an in-depth debate on topics pertinent to self-knowledge and emotional intelligence, through Neurolinguistic Programming, Coaching, Family Constellation, Hypnosis and Mindfulness, there is a space in the programming for academic studies.
The work of scientific initiation, some developed in Brazil by the VOCÊ Institute, in partnership with the Inesp (National Institute of Teaching and Research), and also of other institutions invited or registered, have the purpose of providing an environment of exchange among students, with recent discoveries and reflections on related areas. All the works will be unpublished and selected by a specialized team, based on the real contribution of the themes for human development and society in general.
Founder, founder and director of Instituto VOCÊ and of AICIS (International Academy of Systemic Integrative Coaching).
Leader Business with certification by the Society of Neurolinguistic Programming, author of eight books, is among the leading NLP authority in the world.
He is president of the German Association of Psychotherapy. He is co-founder and co-NLPdy (World Council of Psychotherapy and Neurolinguistic Psychology). Director of International School of Psychology. President of entities IN, ICI and WHO (World Hypnosis Organization).
Doctor with specialization in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Exercise Medicine. It has training in Systemic Constellations with Bernd Isert and training in Ericksonian Hypnosis. She is Master Coaching and Master Trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Director of Psynapse in Tunisia, is Master Trainer in Hypnosis by the World Hypnosis Organization. Trainer in the area of conflict management, based on the psychotherapy model Triângulo de Karpman, has been acting as a certified consultant for InterQualia Emotional Health since 2004, advising companies that wish to develop the skills of their collaborators.
Master Coach with certification from ICI (International Associaton of Coaching Institute), by ECA and Metaforum. Graduated in Psychology with MBA in Business Management. Master NLP trainer recognized internationally by the Society of Neurolinguistic Programming.
Coach, therapist and international business consultant. Already worked in over 50 countries, with their internationally recognized and award-winning work for methodology that assures deep learning and deep experience.
Master Trainer by the International Association of NLP Institutes, coach and analyst behavioral, entrepreneur in the area of human development, accumulating more than 10 years of experience as a trainer of behavioral experiences and courses training in NLP.
Member of the International Laboratory for Research in Mental Space and NVNLP entities, UN and IANLP. Coach certified in NLP at the Instituut Voor Eclectische Psychologie. Co-founder of the William James Foundation and creator of new methods in the field of social systems.
Trainer in NLP by the International Association of NLP Institutes with more than 13 years of experience in sales consulting and team management. He is Coach, behavioral analyst, entrepreneur and human development coach.
First to receive a Hellinger Sciencia® diploma in the world. He is a member of the German Systemic Constellation Association DGfS and has organized the "Relationship 360 °" in Hong Kong, presenting the Systemic Constellation in 28 episodes on China's main television channel.
Behavioral analyst, Trainer in NLP by the International Association of NLP Institutes with MBA in Management and Leadership. Master Coach with international training in Ericksonian Hypnosis and more than 10 years of experience as a human development trainer.
Master Trainer in Positive Psychology by the EUPPA - European Academy, Master Trainer in Neuroscience by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics and Behavioral Usability by the Nielsen Normam Group, in New York.
Psychotherapist, co-founder of Psynapse and Master Trainer by the International Association of Coaching Institutes. Master in Hypnosis, is a professor at the National Guild of Hypnotists, having been trained by Richard Bandler and John La Valle.
Entrepreneur, NLP specialist, began his career as a coach in the commercial area. For more than a decade, he has been working with human development and emotional intelligence training, totaling 23 years as a speaker. It has accumulated bases in systemic approaches for personal and organizational change.
She is Chief Judge in Mato Grosso, holds a law degree from the Federal University of Mato Grosso, a post-graduate degree in Civil Law and Civil Procedure from ATAME, and an MBA in Judiciary from FGV-RIO. Trainer in NLP, specialist in Organizational Constellation and author of the project that created the Conciliation and Family Mediation Center in Cuiabá (MT).
Authority on psychoanalysis, Ph.D. in psychology and postdoctoral in posttraumatic suffering. She has been certified in more than 19 categories in psychotherapy, being Master Trainer of WHO (World Hypnosis Organization) and one of the leading names in Ericksonian Hypnosis in the world.
Graduated in Social Communication and postgraduate in Clinical and Institutional Neuropsychopedagogy, she is interplanada in Psychological Interventions in Development and Learning. She is a university professor in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He is an NLP Coach with international reference by IANLP. She is also a trainer at the VOCÊ Institute, with 20 years of experience in people management, human development, education and learning.
Cardiologist, graduated from UERJ, holds an MBA in Strategic Business Management from USP and studied Bioethics at Albert Einstein Hospital and Havard Medical School. He is a Master in NLP, professor of health strategies at Fundação Dom Cabral, technical director of Hospital São Francisco de Assis, president of SOBRAMEX and speaker in the areas of health, strategy and customer experience.
The World Congress of NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Constellation and Mindfulness 2019 will be held at Espaço do Bosque, located in the Lapa neighborhood, west of São Paulo. It is a glass events house with a privileged view of a forest of 8 thousand m². There are 500 m² indoors and 600 m² of covered area in the woods, a space that allows direct contact with nature.
There will be three days of activities and lectures held simultaneously in two salons. The guests will be able to attend the programming according to the themes that meet their areas of interest - NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Family Constellation and Mindfulness - because the tickets allow access to all environments.
The exhibition of scientific works will take place outside, an important action that will promote an in-depth debate on themes pertaining to self-knowledge and emotional intelligence. In this area, there will also be a space reserved for the dissemination of the entities of the Congress and the YOU Institute.
Today's top experts will gather in São Paulo from October 17 to 19 at the World Congress of NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Family Constellation and Mindfulness. With the theme "The Magic of Emotional Intelligence", the event is promoted by the main entities of the genre in the world, the International Association of Coaching Institutes (ICI), IN (International Association of NLP Institutes), WHO (World Hypnosis Organization) (World Systemic Constellation Organization) and In-Me (Institutes for Mindfulness Evolving).
The Brazilian edition of the World Congress will have an exclusive participation kit for consecrate the partnership between the YOU Institute and the main international entities the world in the area of human development.
The programming of the World Congress was structured to favor the exchange of during the three-day event. In all, there will be more than 20 lectures, between techniques and principals, and the participant can choose the themes that most to interest.
On the first day of activities, the world president of ICI, IN, WHO, WSCO and In-Me will be present at the inaugural lecture that will be one of the most important moments of the program. It is an activity for the general public.
On a daily basis, the Congressional program will reserve two main lectures for gather the audience of the event. In all, there will be six anchor lectures during the three days of activities. In these meetings, the most relevant names of the event will be highlighted.
Considering that the World Congress covers NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Constellation Familiarity and Mindfulness, the programming will have simultaneous technical avor and segment the participants' experience. Each lecturer may choose your next activity, according to the areas of knowledge that most to attract you.
With the objective of sharing knowledge and results of scientific works being developed in the world, the World Congress included in its programming a space for academic works that foment the debate of themes pertinent to emotional intelligence and self-knowledge.
Para favorecer a troca de ideias, o Congresso Mundial vai promover o encontro de conferencistas e palestrantes em um espaço dedicado a fotos e sessões de autógrafos.
Participation in the World Congress includes a special dinner, with a menu selected to attend guests with international references, which will take place in a cozy atmosphere, aiming to bring together speakers and speakers who believe in the magic of emotional intelligence. There are two sectors available: the VIP table, with a privileged location inside the hall, and the tables in the outside area, next to the garden.
After the special dinner, the speakers will enjoy an exclusive show.
9:00 to 9:30
9:35 to 10:50
Inaugural Lecture
10:55 to 11:55
Technical Talk
12:00 to 13:25
13:30 to 14:30
Technical Talk
14:35 to 15:35
Technical Talk
15:40 to 16:10
16:15 to 17:15
Technical Talk
16:45 to 17:15
Technical Talk
17:20 to 18:40
Lecture Anchor
18:45 to 19:00
9:00 to 9:30
9:35 to 10:50
Palestra Inaugural
10:55 to 11:55
Technical Talk
12:00 to 13:25
13:30 to 14:30
Technical Talk
14:35 to 15:35
Technical Talk
15:40 to 16:10
16:10 to 16:40
Technical Talk
16:15 to 17:15
Technical Talk
17:20 to 18:40
Lecture Anchor
18:45 to 19:00
9:00 to 9:10
9:15 to 10:35
Lecture Anchor
10:40 to 11:40
Technical Talk
11:45 to 13:10
12:15 to 13:40
13:15 to 14:15
Technical Talk
14:20 to 15:20
Technical Talk
15:25 to 16:25
Technical Talk
16:30 to 17:00
17:05 to 18:05
Technical Talk
18:10 to 18:30
9:00 to 9:10
9:15 to 10:35
Lecture Anchor
10:40 to 11:40
Technical Talk
11:45 to 13:10
13:15 to 14:15
Technical Talk
14:20 to 15:20
Technical Talk
15:25 to 16:25
Technical Talk
16:30 to 17:00
17:05 to 18:05
Technical Talk
18:10 to 18:30
9:00 to 9:10
9:15 to 10:35
Lecture Anchor
10:40 to 11:40
Technical Talk
11:45 to 13:10
13:15 to 14:15
Technical Talk
14:20 to 15:00
15:05 to 16:00
16:05 to 20:15
20:15 to 20:30
20:30 to 21:30
21:30 to 22:30
22:30 to 00:30
9:00 to 9:10
9:15 to 10:35
Lecture Anchor
10:40 to 11:40
Technical Talk
11:45 to 13:10
13:15 to 14:15
Technical Talk
14:20 to 15:00
15:05 to 16:00
16:05 to 20:15
20:15 to 20:30
20:30 to 21:30
21:30 to 22:30
22:30 to 00:30
R$ 1.699
R$ 1.599
R$ 1.599
R$ 1.499
R$ 1.399
R$ 1.299